Key Insights from the ENERGY STAR Policy Brief
In the ever-evolving landscape of energy efficiency and environmental conservation, keeping up with the latest building performance policies is crucial. The August 2023 edition of the Building Performance Policy Brief from ENERGY STAR for Commercial Buildings and Industrial Plants presents a comprehensive overview of recent policy developments that are transforming the way we manage and measure energy consumption in existing commercial and multifamily buildings. Here’s what you need to know:
Recent Building Performance Policies
The nation is witnessing a surge in building performance policies aimed at reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. These policies propel the national total of jurisdictions with building performance policies to over 50, marking a significant shift towards energy efficiency and sustainability. Some notable developments include:
Minnesota: Annual benchmarking and public disclosure policies starting in June 2025. Exemptions are in place for buildings under specific criteria.
Oregon: Energy use intensity benchmarks commencing in 2028.
Cambridge, MA: Starting in 2026, building performance standards focused on net greenhouse gas emissions.
Madison, WI: Benchmarking and tune-up mandates with a range of flexible compliance alternatives, simplifying the process for fulfilling requirements.
Initial Benchmarking and BPS Deadlines
Building Performance Standards (BPS) are expanding in the U.S., and compliance deadlines are approaching. The first set of deadlines is set as follows:
2023: Indianapolis, IN (June 1), Miami, FL (June 30), and New Jersey (October 1) have their first reporting deadlines for annual benchmarking
2024: Denver, New York, NY, and St. Louis are among the jurisdictions with compliance deadlines.
2025: Boston will join the list.
2026: Washington, DC, St. Louis (affordable housing & houses of worship), and Washington State (rolling compliance) have deadlines.